Monday, July 27, 2009

Week 35 move baby


Week 35 blog quote

** John Steinbeck


Week 35 mosaic copy


The Amazing Aziza

** I was doing a photo session for my neighbor's grand kids.. and I was literally on the move chasing around the little ones

The Cryptic yet Comedic Cory

** I was fiddling around with my new (to me) Kodak Brownie Hawkeye camera, trying to open it up and clean it up a bit. My mother found this at a thrift store in Idaho while she was on vacation a few weeks ago and picked it up for me (along with one for herself). Who knows where this little camera has been, but since it has found a new purpose as a TTV viewfinder it has traveled from Idaho to Oregon to California and flown with me back across the country to Maryland.

The Rebellious Rachel

** The moment caught us at home this day, just knocking around the house a bit ( yes, I am now British for some reason ). I spotted these guys, things that are bursting with potential movement, but resting for the time being.

The Kooky yet Kind Kristin

** the whirring of my vintage fan on my dining table flapping the curtain in the window.


week35groupMosaic1b copy 

The always moving, never slowing down, never quitting, Flickr Group


 xandtheberkeley * pink.goldfish * Kathryn Froilan * DebbsGa * redorgray


tara.mama.wendy * gis 00 * Cosi! * Chessiekitty

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Week 34 - New


To me, there is something so elegant, poetic almost, in the way that words are defined. It' is as if you can feel the mind that toiled over the exact words used to render the most comprehensive and yet efficient meaning possible. There is art there. I feel it. So, I hope you won’t judge me too harshly for relying on the well crafted words of others to explore this week’s theme.

from the google search term “define new”:

not of long duration; having just (or relatively recently) come into being

fresh: original and of a kind not seen before

raw: lacking training or experience

having no previous example or precedent or parallel

unaffected by use or exposure

newfangled: (of a new kind or fashion) gratuitously new

(of crops) harvested at an early stage of development; before complete maturity


Thursday, July 16th at 3:49 p.m.


Week 34 mosaic


Rachel: A new game ----- I always thought that kids figured out how to play pretend on their own. I never knew I was going to teach this skill. The other night, somehow, we got on the kick of playing “putting baby to bed”. He stripped baby, bathed baby, diapered baby, clothed baby, put baby in bed, put blanket over baby, read a story to baby, kissed baby goodnight, turned off the light, came back when baby asked for help with blanket, left again, came when baby woke up in the morning, and took baby out to the living room to watch “Go Diego Go&” as we do every morning. It took off from there in the direction of two babies being bathed and carted around the house in a big dump truck. I know my hubs was jealous. A hot tub and huge machinery all in one? What's not to love.


Aziza:  taken in Nike Town shop where my son insisted on going to get a new soccer shoes


Cory: I was walking around the Capitol area of Washington, D.C. and happened upon a farmers' market. It was one that I've never been to but also the icing on the cake of a wonderful day of exploration and knowledge.


RC: Container gardening is one of my great joys--- I am looking forward to future golden peppers simmering ... in the heat now, or in the pan later


Kristin: thursday 3:49pm theme "new" 


Week 34 group mosaic 1b copy


 keli h  *  DebbsGa  *  rhonda gibson  *  tarra.mama.wendy


Week 34 group mosaic 2b copy


mistybliss  *  Chessiekitty  *  redorgray  *  gis 00  *  xandtheberkeley


Week 34 group Cosi!

and our last little, yet beloved, straggler Cosi! (so glad you made it)

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Week 33 - Bokeh


Bokeh defined


- (derived from Japanese, a noun boke 暈け, meaning "blur" or "haze") is a photographic term referring to the appearance of point of light ...

- subjective aesthetic quality of out-of-focus areas of an image projected by a camera lens

- derived from the verb "bokase" meaning to smudge or make blurry. Pronounced BO-KEH in English. ...


The moment photos for Week 33

Taken on  Friday, July 10th at 1:21 p.m. 


Week 33 group dip three


susiej35 - May your day be filled with beauty and your weekend filled with friends.


Kathryn Froilan - All I need is a moment.


Week 33 group dip one


rhonda gibson - a dried rose borrowed from a friend at work for my moment....


pink.goldfish - Friday, July 10th at 1:21 p.m – Bokeh


Week 33 group dip four


Cosi! - today was officially our first day at the lake for the summer! kind of kicking myself for not starting sooner - so fun!


Kristin – my moment


Week 33 group dip two


xandtheberkley - was in the kitchen, saw these out the corner of my eye when my moment struck.


RC - hanging out with all my family day.. from beach to lunch and beyond—the

gravitational pull of forces of three generations of girls... use your imagination! This moment away from us b/c of a little enjoyable

one (blonde) & was shared w/ Seaweed Lady at lunch


Week 33 group dip five


Cory - hiding from the sweltering heat indoors after a long lunch with my family and gazed out the window to the swaying tree

branches. At that moment I wondered if the breeze might have made it cooler to be outside once more.


DebbsGa - My mom and aunt thought I was nuts!!  My moment this week actually found me

travelling and as soon as I landed wanted GOOD pizza, so we went out to a local GOOD pizza joint for a late lunch

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Week 32 Pieces of one sky


In the sky, there is no distinction of east and west; people create distinctions out of their own minds and then believe them to be true.” – Buddha


I will grow. I will become something new and grand, but no grander than I now am. Just as the sky will be different in a few hours, its present perfection and completeness is not deficient.” – Wayne Dyer


There is one spectacle grander than the sea, that is the sky; there is one spectacle grander than the sky, that is the interior of the soul” – Victor Hugo


Week 32 mosaic 2


Rachel, Cory, Kristin, RC & Aziza.



The inspiring Flickr Group



week 32 group mosaic 2b


“Sitting downtown eating ice cream... I wonder how many people look up and see the art deco facade of the building across the street?” – ShootingSunset

“The sky above (over processed on purpose)” – Maria Kallin

“7:12pm, Thursday, July 2nd....*Optional theme: sky* Point your lens out your window or simply go outside. We are all under the same big sky here, so what does it look like in your corner of the world?” – patti | dearmissdoll

“… oh how i love my maple and blue sky” – redorgray


.week 32 group mosaic 1b


“Cleaning the craft room. This includes picking up miles of thread and playing hide and seek with pins that get stuck in the carpet and then stick themselves in your foot. The alarm on the clock went off and I looked around for something to photograph, these colorful bobbins of thread seemed perfect. “ – Chessiekitty

“the kids were out doing sparklers way too early, so we stuck one in our strawberry shortcake dessert. Getting a head start on the weekend festivities! :)” – Cosi!

"So kid wanted to go to fireworks with someone else,so im home,sewing fourth of july fabrics and others to sell on my etsy.”  - DebbsGa



Week 32 group mosaic 3c


“Every week a group of photographers around the world take a picture at the same time on the same day of whatever they're doing, and assemble the pictures into a collage.” – rhonda gibson

“we were packing the car for our long weekend away to the mill, on the isle of wight. this is the view of the sky between my home and the park.” - xandtheberkley

“I got out of work, got home, made Maya some supper, and then went to the park for a run and took this.” – NaturallyClare

“We have had rain for 4 days now and it is finally leaving and clearing up.” - susiej35

“Once I became a parent I found myself doing things that I never thought I'd do. The latest example of this is golfing. My 7 year old son has become a golf nut. Now, I come from a long line of golfers & learned to play as a kid, but I gave it up as elitist & boring in my teens. But now my son wants to play & my husband (who never set foot on a golf course before last summer) is determined to play, too. I am just as determined NOT to become a golf widow, so I've taken it up (again) & last night found me on a golf course (on the 6th tee) playing golf with 3 of my friends (I've also learned that golfing is everyones' favorite "closet" sport). It was a hot day, but a pleasant evening & a good time was had by all.” – hollyindavis