Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Week 18 ~ Evening Ritual

Week 18 mosaic copy

All of the above images were taken by different photographers across the globe at the same moment,

Wednesday, March 25th at 5:50 p.m.

Evening Ritual

Clockwise from top right

Rachel, in Seattle, prepares dinner for her family on a new (to her) creature known as "an electric stove".

Aziza, in Kuwait, amidst a photo session with some spring time loveliness.

Cory, in Connecticut, organizes her life on paper, in beautiful spring time color code.

Kristin, in Maine, preps the family's desert, Hersey's kisses on pretzels, while dinner cooks away.


Play along ~  all I need is a moment the flickr group


Week 18 flickr group copy


  1. The mosaics are stunning this week! I definitely get the feeling that Spring is here on the Northern Hemisphere...food, friends, and flowers, oh my!

  2. as always it is a wonder to see how the moments "fit" together..so artistc! elk
