Sunday, October 25, 2009

Week 48 - black & white

Sometimes simpler is so, so much better. The images truly speak for themselves this week.







Friday, October 23, 2009

Week 47 ~ lines, lines, everywhere lines!

On Thursday, October 15th at the moment of 1:51 p.m. we stopped what we were doing and looked for lines. Lines are all around us, forming patterns rich and interesting. From different perspectives we found lines looking down from the sky, looking up at the sky, hidden in text, memories of birthdays, and covering our friends and loved ones. We chose to not take the world around us at face value and look for intrinsic patterns within the surfaces and shapes around us.

Below are our findings...

Cosi! ||| damiec 
||| E L K |||

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Week 46 ~ O R A N G E

Week 45 ~ reflections

A reflection of an exact image is the closest thing to you-so that you can see it-but it's far enough away so that you really understand it. There is real life in this movie, but it hovers just an inch above reality. 
~ Wes Bentley


Reflected images can be found in so many places... mirrors (naturally), water, door knobs, iPods, windows.... Already we have seen some amazing and creative uses of this theme coincide with some of our past themes, so we were curious to see what would happen if we all took a picture of a reflection for the same Moment?

Some of us chose to include ourselves in a reflected image...

Others found refelected objects and abstracts...

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Week 44 ~ Can't leave home without

The scene is set for Saturday, September 26th ~ 11:27 a.m.

What is it that goes with you everywhere? Your phone, your iPod, an inhaler, your children? At this moment of the day, in your life, we asked:

what is it that you cannot leave home without?
click on the names to read the stories!

Original Momenters: 

 Aziza * rc 

Our beloved Flickr Momenters:

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Week 43 – Macro - Thursday, September 17th at 6:03 p.m.


macro week 43



Technically macro photography is quite simple and straightforward.

For those who have a profound love for it, it is everything that is

beautiful in the world and too often goes unnoticed. The world that

exists in the texture of a dog’s fur, or the microcosm of a dew drop, or

in the pattern of wood grain be infinitely fascinating. In these small

worlds we might find something we are looking for in the larger one.

Maybe that something is “self”, or understanding, or metaphor, or just

a minuteness that might be a bit easier to comprehend and embrace.

Whatever the draw, whatever the profession, it is the artist’s eye (or ear

or taste buds) that seeks it out.



An artist cannot fail; it is a success to be one.  * Charles Horton Cooley

An artist is a dreamer consenting to dream of the actual world. * George Santayana

Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time.Thomas Merton

Art is not a thing; it is a way. Elbert Hubbard

Art is science made clear. Wilson Mizner



Week 43 mosaic








week 43 all b .





week 43 group 1







rhonda gibbson


xandthe berkeley 


 keli h



week 43 group 2



everyday us









week 43 group 3



zen granny 


 E L K 


 Michelle Haurilak 




 gis 00


